VineVera Beautifies Your Skin With the French Paradox

Have you ever heard of the French Paradox? Back in the 1990s, many prominent news gathering organizations investigated what seemed to be an impossibility: How could French people eat a diet high in cholesterol and still have a very low rate of coronary artery disease? The French population consumed all the foods that are forbidden on most diets that address cardiovascular health, like red meat, butter and high fat cream and cheeses. They even smoked cigarettes more than comparable Americans, but didn’t suffer nearly as many bad effects. Something had to be protecting them from the ill effects of their diet.

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Red Wine Is the Key

After exhausting all the other possibilities, researchers noticed that the French consumed much more wine than Americans, especially red wine. They began to investigate the chemical makeup of red wine, and discovered that red wine contains a great deal of the antioxidant resveratrol. Resveratrol occurs naturally in the skin of red grapes, and scientist quickly connected the dots and began to recommend that people increase their intake of foods rich in antioxidants, especially resveratrol.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Resveratrol.

The makers of VineVera were intrigued by these antioxidant properties, and believed that incorporating them into beauty products for the skin could make what a VineVera review site once termed the Holy Grail of skin care. Resveratrol is the unique ingredient in VineVera beauty products that brings another level of skin rejuvenation to all their products.

Fight Back Against Free Radicals

While resveratrol is great for keeping you healthy on the inside, it also has amazing properties for keeping your skin younger and healthier looking on the outside, too. It counteracts the effects of free radicals in your skin. Free radicals are found in damaged cells, and when they try to repair themselves, they can start a chain reaction that affects the health and vitality of all the cells around them. Antioxidants like resveratrol interrupt this reaction and help restore cells to their normal function. For skin cells, this means increased collagen production and a return to healthy, younger-looking skin. Hit for vine vera reviews

If you’re familiar with cosmetic surgery procedures, you’ve no doubt heard about collagen injections offered by doctors to restore the plumpness and smooth out wrinkles in lines in the face. The beauty of products like VineVera is that it helps stimulate your body into producing its own collagen naturally, achieving the same, or better results without painful and expensive surgery that can change your entire appearance.